smroadkill15 said:
I'm really not bothered by it. It's not anything uniquely intrusive that we don't already deal with on the daily. You're upset over semantics. Accepting 1 type of UI advertising vs the other for the same exact product in a slightly different way. Advertising is advertising. |
This is my point, why accept it. Just because its something we deal with on the daily you are fine with MS doing it now. I do not understand this mentality. The reason why its done on a daily is because no one is making a big enough stink about it but once you allow corporations to get comfortable with something they will continue to push the envelope on it. Like I said, my main issue is that I did not opt into these ads and MS has slowing taking away my ability to customize the interface on the Xbox and in its place put more ads into the experience. It degrades the experience and it will only get worse not better because if the majority of Xbox users are not asking for more customization features instead of MS pushing what they want, then do not get upset later when all you have on the console is a bunch of ads or other intrusive selling tactics while your ability to customize the experience gets even more nuked.