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Jumpin said:

Fire Emblem was my favourite of the year. I’m going to have to abstain on the runoff as there isn’t one I have a standout memory about.

If anyone actually cares about my trivial BS to explain a little more :D Real life gets busy sometimes, and this generation, at least on the home console side, was one where I barely considered myself a gamer, so I don’t really have the same fond memories that other people did, and I never reached back into it like I did earlier generations from before my time. I played games (including all of these), but probably not more than 1-2 sessions. On the handheld side, I started to enjoy that a lot more, it’s like book + video game, so I got really into games like Fire Emblem.

That was the late 2000s for me. I was barely attached to gaming during the seventh console generation really and don't have too many fond gaming memories therefrom. Life took over and games just seem to get more polar in terms of what you had to like at the same time.