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Jumpin said:

Some details about Matthew Perry.
He came from an affluent Canadian family, his father an actor, step father a news broadcaster, and his mother was press secretary to Justin Trudeau’s father, former Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau.
He had been an alcoholic from the age of 14.
When he acted on Friends, he was involved in an accident during season 3, and that’s where he was prescribed pain medications. He became addicted to those and other drugs, such as cocaine.
His addictions were so bad that he didn’t remember any of his time acting on Friends beyond the third season, and he found it difficult to watch the show because he could point out what drug he was on.
Between 2001 and 2021 he quit and relapsed between 60 and 70 times.
In April 2018, he was rushed to hospital due to the long term effects of opiates, which caused his bowels to burst. He came very close to death.
Later, he was cast to play in the film Don’t Look Up, but couldn’t perform the role due to another incident where he’d been taking large amounts of hydrocodone, and then he had a surgery, the anesthetic caused his heart to stop for 5 minutes, and the resuscitation broke 8 ribs.
By the release of his book, which released 1 year ago tomorrow (November 1st), he’d been sober for about 18 months.
He had just moved into his current home about three weeks ago.

Some of that stuff is interesting like his family or just moving into a home. Some of that stuff is rather depressing.  Leaving the question of why post depressing stuff in a depressing thread. Do you think those were related to the drowning/possibly heart attack?

You're comment is the only one I would say is talking about his life and struggles. So I can see how someone thought it seemed more slanderous than it is.  So I don't think you are being trolled or being mocked. Just heated reactions.

zero129 said:
Jumpin said:

You're seriously going to troll in a thread about a man who has just died? On a post discussing details about his life and struggles?

Are you sick?. No i am not BUT ARE YOU??... Why even bring all that in here??...

Take a breath. Probably like 30 of them. You went from 0 to 1000 way to fast.  Take a step back.  He probably posted all that stuff for a reason. You are reacting for a reason.  Let some posts go by so you can see if you can understand why he posted that stuff.

You are bound to love Earthbound.