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Mar1217 said:
KLXVER said:

I like completing games I enjoy. It adds some great challenge. But I hate these insane jumps in difficulty in games. And some Mario games just goes too far with it imo. Super Mario World did a great job with the special stages. They were more difficult, but not 4-5 hour grinds like this one. 

Its not a big deal. I just needed to vent a bit after finally completing it. Im just happy I got the top of the flagpole and the three purple coins first time, so I didnt have to spend hours more on it.

Oh wait, you actually do complete these challenges ? Congrats to you, but if there's one aspect I do not like about these games is to complete them to that kind of level of scrutiny.

As far as I'm aware, you don't even get a Champion's Road kind of level for doing these like we had in 3D World, etc ...

Yeah, the last level is like Champions Road. Just a long and very difficult level.