Would have been a nice gesture on Xbox's part to put it on Gamepass to make it up their fans for causing the delay with their poor splitscreen parity requirement, but I never really excepted it to happen. BG3, as popular as it is, is a game that will sell well, Xbox would have had to spend alot to get it on Gamepass. There's a good chance it would have been the most expensive 3rd party Gamepass deal of any 3rd party game Xbox has put on Gamepass all year, certainly top 5. We've been seeing Xbox spending less and less on 3rd party content for Gamepass, and now that they have closed XBK and will have their games on Gamepass soon, I think we will see even fewer big day one 3rd party Gamepass deals than before.
Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 25 October 2023