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Ryuu96 said:

It still feels weird to say, I haven't yet wrapped my head around it, that Microsoft owns COD, I see "COD is best selling on Steam" and I'm like "COD is best selling on Steam" then I remember, Xbox owns COD now, then I think, Modern Warfare 3 will be an Xbox 1st party, COD is in Xbox's 1st party line-up for 2023, Lol. It's just a weird turn of events

Would be cool if MS could rotate all those studios that only work on COD to also work on Halo as well.  There is no doubt that ABK have a lot of season senior talent and if COD goes on a 2 year cycle, that will free up at least a studio or 2 to do either something new or help out with existing IP like Gears and Halo.  It will be interesting to see how Phil work with the resources within ABK going forward.