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Bofferbrauer2 said:
Radek said:

But the hardware already made profit way back in 2017, of course they couldn't justify increasing the price.

It's very old hardware at this point, unlike PS5 and XSX.

It may be old hardware, but not much of that hardware actually got much cheaper over time, and many parts are actually more expensive to source nowadays as they were 7 years ago.

Keep in mind that most consoles got cheaper not just due to cost of electronics dropping, but mainly because those consoles have a reduced set of hardware compared to the earlier iterations. That's something that won't really happen this gen for any of the 3 consoles, hence why neither will have any price drops this gen and instead the prices are going up, as the "slimmer" PS5 showcases.

I'm sure Nintendo is making a boatload of money on every Switch sold these days. They were making good profit 6.5 years ago when it came out, that tech is now ancient and likely extremely cheap, and while there may still be a bit of an issue with chip shortages I'm pretty sure it's mostly abated compared to a year ago so those prices have likely come back down. Sure we aren't in the days anymore when a company can knock a system from $300 down to $99/$150 over the course of its lifetime, but they gotta be making a ton of money on every system sold at this point. No price cuts on Switch have been due to its popularity not requiring price cuts, not because of profit margins.