Resident Evil veteran and Tango Gameworks founder Shinji Mikami has teased plans to return to work after the expiration of his non-compete clause.
— VGC (@VGC_News) October 12, 2023
I really don't know what happened to his relationship with Xbox, but they definitely goofed doing whatever they did to lose him. A non compete clause likely wouldn't prevent him from working at a 3rd party multiplat studio after leaving, this strongly suggests he is going to make a game for Nintendo or Sony. The whole thing just doesn't make sense, he said that he wanted to train up the next generation of developers at Tango before retiring, but he also said he wanted to make one final dream game before retiring, then he left Xbox. So did Xbox deny him the chance to make his dream game then, try to force him to make Evil Within 3 next or something? Whatever happened to spoil the relationship, it definitely seems like a big goof on Xbox's part to lose Mikami, he could have proven a valuable asset for convincing other JP studios that being acquired by Xbox would be a good thing, as well as valuable asset for JP recruiting purposes if Xbox decided to expand Tango or open a brand new from the ground up JP studio, not to mention the bad optics of losing him to apparently a competitor.