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SuperJortendo said:
crankberryjoos said:

Nintendo are really lucky that they can keep selling revisions but it also explains the weak attach ratio.

It's currently 10th all time (out of 31) in attachment ratio with 8.39 games sold per console according to this, which doesn't seem that bad. It's about 1.5 fewer games than the PS2 sold per console, which is 5th place all time on that list.

I'm not sure what the data suggests but I would think attachment ratio tends to go up the longer a console is on the market, so I'd assume it will end with a higher attachment ratio than it already has.

Its fine overall, but even then its all going to Nintendo software. I doubt third-party's are going to start making the Switch the lead platform like we predicted with the Wii. People screaming for ports online really isn't going to change the Nintendo fans have been bashing them for decades now.