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Dreamcaster999 said:
Jumpin said:

#1 Chrono Trigger

#2 Terranigma

#3 DKC2

#4 Suikoden

Two of my top 10 favourite games of all time came out on this list with Chrono Trigger and Terranigma.

Not much to say about this one which won’t already be said. Chrono Trigger is what I’d consider the best designed RPG of the 1990s and my second favourite game of the 1990s, the first favourite is a bit of a spiritual successor to both Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 6: Tetsuya Takahashi’s Xenogears.

Terranigma is one of my favourite action games of all time, in fact, as far as action RPGs go, it remains my #2 of all time (next wto Witcher 3) and would have been #1 most years of the 1990s, it just happened to come out the same year as Chrono Trigger, my second favourite game released in the 1990s. Terranigma is my third favourite game of the 1990s.

Terranigma is also the final game I bought for the 16-but generation (or second final, I think Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons came out after).

Damn, I forgot about Terranigma. Thanks for the reminder. Amazing game!

Haha, you’re not alone in forgetfulness. Somehow I forgot to round out my top 5 with Super Mario RPG.

I think Terranigma is one of those games that seemed far bigger back in the day than it was in reality. At the time I thought it was a bigger game than Chrono Trigger, but in the wider world of the Internet you hardly ever hear about it compared to Chrono Trigger.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.