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Ryuu96 said:
Angelus said:

I still think the new Forza's biggest problem is the restrictive ass CARPG shit. The whole idea of leveling and growing with your car might sound fun for the first go around or whatever, but nobody wants to put hours and hours into every single fucking car before they're able to mod and tune it to their desired spec. That's gonna get annoying insanely quick, and I'm honestly baffled as to how they thought this was a good idea for a game aimed at racing/car enthusiasts.

Being lite on content at launch...ok, it's not great, obviously, but you can get over it. The CARPG shit is a fundamental design flaw that needs to be patched out ASAP, but that probably means overhauling your entire in-game economy, considering that car parts are bought with these points you earn driving any given car, instead of some regular currency or whatever. Honestly, I just don't understand how during the process of developing and testing the game, nobody stepped forward and said..."guys...this is insanely restrictive, and people aren't going to like it."

There's actually a few reviews who in the same review praise the progression system but say it's too grindy.

So they probably don't need to rip it out completely, just make it a lot more generous.

Respectfully, I don't really care what the reviewers say, cus most of them probably aren't going to play the game all that much past their review window for it. Sure, the system is probably not a big concern if you're putting limited time into the game, and maybe you're only really interested in driving like 5-10 cars or something. What about an actual racing/sim enthusiast who puts serious time into these games, and has specific ideas for setups in mind already for various cars because they've been playing these types of games their whole lives? What about a group of friends, each playing the game individually as they see fit, and then one of them says "hey, let's all build funky ass super tuned minivans or something and have a shootout," but oh wait...that person is the only one who's spend time leveling that type of car, so everybody can't actually just quickly assemble something and have that type of race. How many hours do you think is acceptable to make them spend before they can even get the car in the performance window that they wanna play around with? And how low can you tune that number of hours on Turn 10's end before the whole system loses it's intended function behind the design philosophy? 

I understand the idea for what Turn 10 wanted to do here, but the fact of the matter is that it's insanely restrictive, and frankly out of place in a game of this nature.