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Dragon Quest 5 is my favourite made in 1992.
Runner up is Sonic 2.
Third is Mario Kart.

Sonic 2 was easily my favourite platformer between Super Mario Bros 3 and Donkey Kong Country.
However, I'm an RPG guy, and Dragon Quest 5 is one of my favourites of the 1990s even if I played it quite a while after 1992 (probably about 1997 or 1998 for the first time). I put it up there with games like Final Fantasy 6, and Chrono Trigger which was made of a super team of devs from Final Fantasy 6 and Dragon Quest 5.

Dragon Quest 5 builds on Dragon Quest 4's wider scope story. Except, instead of the chapters relating to different main characters eventually converging, it's related to the different periods of your main characters life.

The first period has your character as a child, you adventure with your dad, meet friends, and visit various places. This is also where you first meet Bianca. Also when you come across the monster conspiracy.
The second period is your teen years, you and your friends have grown up and have various different involvements in the emerging war against the monsters, and other political issues across the world.
Later in your adult years you can pursue a relationship with a young woman... although, if you don't go for Bianca (at least on your first play through) you have no soul! :D
Even later, your character's wife will get pregnant and give birth to kids. You'll even be able to rule over a Kingdom.
Toward the end of the game, your character, his wife, and their children go off and battle against the powerful monster enemies. This is some 25-30 years after the beginning of the game.

Anyway, the reason Mario Kart is third is because I liked it as much as Sonic 2 back in the day, but unlike Sonic 2 or Dragon Quest 5 - both of which I've played in the last 3 years for hours - I haven't touched Mario Kart since about 2004, and before that one drunken night of Mario Kart on SNES, it was back in the 1990s that was the last time I played Mario Kart on SNES, as I never really looked back after Mario Kart 64 came out (and in turn Mario Kart Wii replaced 64, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe replaced Mario Kart 7/Wii) - so the Mario Kart games have less staying power for me than other game series like the original Sonic trilogy or the first five Dragon Quest games - I still liked later DQ titles, but it's only the first 5 that I replay again and again - a bit different than most, as I'd say DQ8 is the most popular.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.