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Although it included some groundbreaking games, it honestly cannot be said that 1992 was a year in gaming I've ever felt all that strongly about. My favorite game from that year is definitely Alone in the Dark. Just a very ambient experience. Visually and musically impressive by the standards of its time too, and the writing and voice acting is solid and mood-setting!

In terms of console gaming, obviously Super Mario Kart has had the longest-term impact on this medium, not only in franchise sales terms or when it comes to getting other companies to try their hands (and generally fail) at replicating its success, but also in the sense that it inspired the big N to bring their trademark goofiness to other genres as well. Super Smash Bros. for fighting games and Splatoon for shooting games, for example, can be considered offshoots of the same principle that Super Mario Kart represented and probably wouldn't exist without it. It's cute and fun. It works.

Sonic 2 was of I think greater cultural impact contemporaneously though and is also frankly the more enjoyable game, IMO. Sonic 2 was the game that brought the blue blur into his own, more finely distinguishing the franchise from what Mario brought to the 2D platforming genre. Built to be a fast-paced experience, zones were shortened to two acts with fewer optional routes and made more numerous and varied in exchange and there were long stretches of relatively or completely danger-free turf where you could really ramp up Sonic's speed without adverse consequence. The game was built to provide the player a sense of momentum, and it works! Back in the day, I enjoyed nothing more than getting Sonic moving faster than the screen could. Also lots of the other trademarks of the Sonic franchise were introduced in this game, including Tails and the accompanying two-player options (including, notably, cooperative two-player, although it could be unwieldy and impractical outside of boss fights and special stages typically; something Mario did not offer as yet), 3D special stages, Super Sonic, Robo Sonic, and the Death Egg. And the Sky Chase Zone, which doesn't hold up tremendously well, but was a fan favorite at the time.

That said, if I had to name a personal second-favorite of mine from this year after Alone in the Dark, it would probably be Streets of Rage 2; the best entry in the franchise, nay genre, for decades to come in my view. The original Mortal Kombat was also a blast at the arcade and came with a bonus of enraging my parents with its use of blood, forcing me to sneak plays. The ninja aesthetic of it was also something distinct from what Street Fighter II offered, although it must be said that, as a play experience, it really didn't top Street Fighter II in my mind.

(Super Mario Land 2 is probably worth a cursory mention here as one of the best Game Boy games ever made. Although really Game Boy games don't generally hold up that well today, IMO.)

Last edited by Jaicee - on 02 October 2023