Ryuu96 said:
Yeah, Ukraine at worst has parity with Russia on tanks, that's without even including the Leopard 2's, Challenger 2's and Abrams to come. From all the Leopard 1's, Ukraine's existing tank stock and the captured Russian tanks (quite a few T-90s). I think it was America who said that Ukraine has more tanks than Russia now in the field. Also true that mine-clearing vehicles are more important right now. I'm wondering if some Abrams may replace some of the tanks that are no doubt sitting in Kyiv covering the Belarus border and possibly the Transnistria border which would free those tanks up to be sent to the frontlines, I don't think Ukraine will be sending dozens upon dozens of Abrams out into the frontlines given how logistically demanding it is but we'll see, Ukraine has surprised us before. I'm not sure about Ukraine's tank production at the minute but I believe I remember posting a few months back Ukraine showing off one of their newly built tank models and announcing a new order of those, so I'm fairly confident they're still producing new tanks and investing in their own lines. The T-84U Oplot may be the one I'm thinking of. |
Iirc, that was the T-64 BM2 type 2017, of which about 200 had been produced (or rather, 200 T-64 BV had been upgraded to this new standard) before the war with Russia started, or the T-64 BM2 Oplot upgrade for T-64 BM Oplot-M tanks, of which a handful existed before the invasion. The T-64 BM Bulat is still so far the most modern production version, dating from 2004, and is technologically on identical level to the T84 Oplot-M. I'm not sure if the T84 U is an upgrade package or a newly produced tank version; if it's the latter than this one should be the most modern tank produced in Ukraine, otherwide it the T-64 BM Oplot.
There are also plans for a serial production of a T84-120 variant, but since the design had not been finalized prior the invasion those plans have been either on hold or pushed back in priority for obvious reasons. Ukraine might also try to copy some tech from the Leo and Abrams tanks to incorporate into this new design while they're at it.
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