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zeldaring said:
curl-6 said:

They take risks or push in new directions regardless of whether they succeed or fail; their successful systems were often followed up with bold new directions or innovative features.

Super Nintendo was just the continuation of the nes. and gamcube samething both were just traditional home consoles. They really changed the idea of traditional console after the GameCube which was a massive flop.  I suspect switch 2 will be a continuation of Switch of course it will be refined and add some new console features but all consoles do that, no company  is taking a bold new direction when something is working.

Their followups to successes had their own innovations; the SNES controller had the shoulder buttons and pushed into early 3D with Mode 7 and the FX chip, the N64 was built around the analog stick, DS introduced dual screens, 3DS was built around autostereoscopic 3D.