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RolStoppable said:
Pemalite said:

There are fundamental reasons why you don't want optical discs in a handheld.

1) Power consumption.
2) Noise.
3) Reliability.
4) Speed.
5) Space.

I am not asserting that the type of media is what constitutes a devices form factor, but certain types of media are better fits for certain form factors.
I.E. Carts in a handheld.

These reasons are the same ones why you don't want optical discs in a home console. Optical discs are inferior regardless of the form factor.

While technology has seen digitally delivery combined with cheaper internal and external storage replacing the need for the Optical disc, the advantages in storage size and manufacturing costs per disc that saw it become the main medium in home consoles still the main man if you want physical content heavy PS5 and Series X games those advantages of cost and size optical discs are still there. 

Last edited by mjk45 - on 21 September 2023

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