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gamingdevil said:
I like the fact that you criticize this attitude Kwaad when you are doing the exact same thing for Nintendo in a much worse way. Will ever everyone shut the fuck up about the other's console of choice?

 Graphics matter to me(Killzone2). I like good looking games. I also enjoy games with great art direction. (okami)

I enjoy great games.(Super Stardust HD)


The Wii is lacking off of the above if you ask me.

Graphics. It dont have the power.

Art. It could, but for some reason it dont.

Great games? It could, but it is getting all the crappy low budget crap PS2 games that sucked... it's getting. The new mario might be good, but I dont feel it's mario. The story has left it's roots too far behind, and that is worse than haveing a HORRIBLE HORRIBLE CRAP story in my book. Mario is a plumber. Not an astranut. The fact they are makeing him one, means this is not a 'main' story mario. Because it is not a main story mario, I take it with a grain of salt, and dont give a damn.

That, and super smash Brawl.  (which I will be buying)

I respect great games for what they are. Just dont F* up my story. Mario is a plumber. (carpenter in the arcade) but that is a very similar job, and can easily be confused, or crossed)

A good example of destroying a story.

WarCraft - Orcs were a savage race who loved nothing but war and destruction.
WarCraft2 - Orcs were a savage race who loved nothing but war and destruction.
WarCraft2: Beyond the dark portal (or something like that) - Orcs were a savage race who loved nothing but war and destruction.
WarCraft3 - Orcs are a noble race.

WAIT A DAMN SECOND, What just happend there?!

That is the main reason I hate WarCraft3. That and the fact Night Elves. (Who were never mentioned in the previous 2 installments) was a main race. Troll, or High Elves. (blood elves if you so wish to call them that)

Also, when following tradition gameplay style, it should remain similar. Example. WarCraft1 games took 45minutes to 6 hours. WarCraft2 games took 30 minutes to 4 hours. WarCraft3 games took 4-12 minutes.

WarCraft3 is as much WarCraft as Mario is. Mario Galaxy falls in the same shoes as WarCraft3 in my book. I have a hatered for changeing story, plot, design, general concept, and stuff like that. If it's not gonna be mario, name it something else.

Just because Mario sells well. Does not mean that every game you make should be 'Mario Tennis' 'Mario Bowling' ' Mario RPG' 'Mario RTS' 'Mario Dungeon' 'Mario Suprise' 'Mario Party' 'Mario Rescue' 'Mario Dance' 'Mario flight sim' 'Mario the astranut'

Look, why not make a diffrent game... for each game!? Oh wait, they are. They are just called mario to get the fans of mario to buy them. It's a sales pitch, a gimmick, and it kinda annoys me when it's done. 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!