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So FF7R2 is only Sony exclusive for 3 months this time, get the feeling that Square used some clause to shorten the original deal, because it's hard to believe that Sony would only settle for 3 months when FF7R1 has been Sony console exclusive for 3 years, and FF16 is Sony console exclusive for 1 year, no way Sony would have only went for a 3 month deal I think.

These exclusivity deals are costing Square big time, today we learned that FF7R1 is at 7m after 3+ years. FF15, which was multiplat, hit 7m in 15 months by comparison. FF7R1's legs have been quite poor, the game was at 5m 3 months after release, which means it has only sold 2m copies in the 3 years since they gave us the 5m figure in August 2020, and that 2m sales in 3 years includes a late PS5 port with DLC included, FF7R Intergrade, and the late PC port (which was a technical mess on release and was foolishly full price despite being a year and a half late port, both of which clearpy kneecapped it's sales). Square needs to get over these timed exclusivity deals and release FF full multiplat day one moving foward, and it seems like that is exactly what they are planning to do after this final 3 month deal with Sony (which was likely made years ago as a 1 year deal and then shortened more recently by Square).

Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 14 September 2023