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Leynos said:

Rift Apart is the best-looking PS5 game I played so far.

It's up there but I prefer Miles Morales PS5. 

The demand for resolution increases and 60 fps (and some people even demanding 120, lol) is just killing the performance of these machines. You get 6x teraflop performance or whatever increase, but you give it right back by pressing the system to have to push 4x-8x as many pixels. 

PS5 really needed to be about double what it actually is I think to have a really wow impact in terms of generational leap, and even then I think most developers would not really use that extra power to really increase the visual wow factor but just sink it right back into even more resolution + frame rate. Because no one wants to double the budget of their game. 

Either way it's kinda good for Nintendo. 

All these things ... ray tracing, 4K, 60 fps, rising budgets are such massive resource sucks that it works to their benefit when the Switch 2 can get by with 720p + 30 fps. All of the sudden, the pixel disparity is massive. It's like having two bodybuilders but one guy only has to bench press 180 pounds and the other guy has to bench 375. Even if the other guy quite a good deal stronger, it's likely by rep 5 he's going to fatigue out. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 12 September 2023