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Final Fantasy mainline is the main "get" I want on Switch 2.

It's about time that series comes home, and it's not growing as a franchise and they've destroyed what used to be a 2-3 million seller in Japan to something that now sells below Pikmin 4. Rising dev cost + declining sales ain't a good combo.

If you're Square-Enix you really need to think long and hard about Final Fantasy 17, do you really, really, reaaaaalllly need to squeeze every ounce of power from a PS5, or does it make a lot more sense to make something that maybe looks about as good as FF16 (which already will cost you a huge budget to make) and make it scalable so a Switch 2 version works well enough and start regrowing your audience on Nintendo platforms (especially in Japan where Final Fantasy used to be a top 3 franchise).

You should be able to make a game that is 4K/30 or 1440p/60 on a PS5, but runs reasonably at say 720p native/30 fps (using DLSS to go up to 1440p or 4K) on a Switch 2 that still looks very nice. That is a massive pixel disparity, the PS5 is being forced to push 8x or more as many pixels. If there's even any extra juice left on that PS5, turn on a few ray tracing reflections, and voila, you've maxed out the system totally. 

I guess Madden NFL would be nice for US gamers, I think that will happen too, though I'd prefer NHL. Maybe both happen. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 12 September 2023