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Gee I wonder if every PS5 leak thread had PC enthusiasts coming into it and saying "well dur hur, it won't run at 120 fps, 4K and look just like the master PC version, so lol it doesn't count, only 10.8 teraflops! Ha what a lame piece of hardware,, not even fully RDNA2. I need to come in here and lower your expectations because I'm the fun police".

Like how big of a loser would you have to be to come into every thread about say a different platform and try to shut down discussion. Interesting how it's only Nintendo platforms that have to put up with this. 

Especially funny when like 80% of the crap being said is disproven straight away with simple Youtube searches of people doing things that we're told "nah that can't be done, not possible", "well like here's a video of it y'know like totally actually being done", "well that doesn't count because of new reasons I just invented". lulz. 

~ User was warned for this post. ~ Pemalite.

Last edited by Pemalite - on 10 September 2023