Oneeee-Chan!!! said:
I haven't read the conversation between you and Soundwave, but this generation of games can and will be marketed to run on the next generation switch. I just don't see why it is impossible. |
It isn't impossible and i agree it will happen. Sound (and others) are being dishonest and are intentionally mischaracterizing my argument.
But I am happy to clarify in 3 simple points:
1) switch 2 will run modern games
2) switch 2 ports will be a noticeable and significant downgrade compared to the ps5/series x/pc
3) the average consumer won't care about the downgrade
The original argument was Sound claiming the switch was going to produce visual fidelity comparable to the ps5 and I disagreed for the reasons Pemalite detailed a few pages ago. Hence my goalposts comment about Sound. He is changing his position to what Ring and I have been saying for pages.
It is that simple.