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Slownenberg said:
curl-6 said:

The NSMB series never evoked the same love or acclaim as the NES/SNES 2D Marios though, so for many Wonder is the first 2D Mario in over 30 years that's actually original and exciting. (World came out first in 1990 in Japan, then 1991 in America) Yoshi's Island isn't really a "2D Mario" game either as you play as Yoshi. When it comes to reception, you can't discount how people FEEL about something, as that as much as "facts" determines purchasing behaviour.

TOTK has more casual appeal then pre-BOTW Zelda ever had, but 2D Mario is on another level, as a simple 2D sidescroller it can be played by folks for whom Zelda would just be too complicated. Folks like my parents probably wouldn't be able to get passed the tutorial in TOTK but they sure as heck can play 2D Mario.

But to offset that, there are probably several million people who were super excited to get TotK and have no interest in 2D Mario. And again, I think TotK mostly beats out Wonder by a few million because I expect TotK to continue selling for many years to come, while Wonder I think essentially has one year of legs and then its on to Switch 2 and the next 3D Mario which is going to be hyped up far more than Wonder.

3D Mario won't cut Wonder's legs; Galaxy 2 came out less than a year after NSMBWii and didn't cut its legs, nor did 3D World cut NSMBU's legs.

Switch 2's arrival won't cut it either because by then Switch 1 will have around 150 million units in the wild, and it will take years for its active userbase to transition to the new system.