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To be honest Witcher 3 or DOOM running on the Switch vs XB1/PS4 is probably more amazing than Switch 2 being able to run FF7R Integrade (PS5).

Witcher 3 on Switch runs at 540p undocked/720p docked ... 900p on XB1, 1080p on PS4. That's not a huge difference in resolutions.

With Switch 2, if DLSS is there the PS5 runs the game at 4K ... the Switch 2 because of DLSS may only need the run it as low as 480p undocked, 720p docked and DLSS could very well take that up to 1080p undocked and 4K docked. That's a massive disparity in resolution ... for the PS5 to run FF7R at 4K it has to push 9x the resolution (!) of a Switch 2 running the same game at only 720p docked if DLSS is in the equation.

Whereas Witcher 3, the PS4 version is only pushing about 2x as many pixels as the docked Switch version (the XBox One version not even that).