The fact that Fallout 4, Bethesda's most rushed game (it only got 2.5 years of development with the full dev team after Skyrim's last DLC released) and least polished game to date, is tied at 88 opencritic with Starfield, Bethesda's least rushed and most polished game to date, tells you everything you need to know about the so-called "Xbox tax" that all Xbox exclusives have to deal with when being reviewed by critics.
On the plus side, the PC version did review 4 points higher than Fallout 4 PC on metacritic, 88 vs 84, though the Xbox version of Starfield is one point lower on Metacritic than Fallout 4 XB1, 87 vs 88.
Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 31 August 2023