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Dallinor said:
Darc Requiem said:
Graduate to a PS3? That's laughable. The system has nothing worth playing that I can't get on 360 or Wii. I mean why would I fork over $500 for a system with 360 hand me downs and no RPGS?

1: Millions of gamers disagree with that view.

2: You can get one for $399.

3: That was the case about a year ago. See current reviews of multiplatforms to understand why that is no longer really the case.

4: Folklore.


1. I'm not one of them.

2. I'm not forking over my cash for a gimped console with reduced functionality

3. I already have a 360, why would I spend $500 on a system to play games I can already purchase.

4. One game, why would I buy a console for one game when I have any number of RPGs on the system I already own. Even the Wii, which I also own, is getting into the RPG act at faster rate than the PS3.

The simple fact of the matter is if I had chosen to get a PS3. I'd still have had to buy 360 to get my hands on the RPGs I require. The majority of my 360 lineup either isn't available on PS3 or didn't become available until well after the 360 version was released. I have 26 games for my 360 only four of those games (Madden 07, Madden 08, GTA4, Marvel Ultimate Alliance) were same day release for the PS3. Six of the games hit the 360 long before their PS3 versions (F.E.A.R., Oblivion, Bioshock [not released for PS3 yet], Eternal Sonata [not released for PS3 yet], Fight Night Round 3, and Enchanted Arms.) Only one of them, Virtua Fighter 5, was released on PS3 first. That means nearly 60%, 15 out of 26, of my 360 games are games I wouldn't have been able to get for PS3.