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Chrkeller said:
Soundwave said:

Maybe you could do like 2 minutes of research on the chip (Tegra T239), there's quite a bit known about it actually. 

The Pro is the OLED, the "leaks" were accurate in saying it would have an OLED display and they did get the exact screen size correct (if they guessed that by random happenstance then I guess they should go play the lottery too with that kind of luck), they just got confused with Switch 2 as well and assumed it was one product which is not an unreasonable mistake to make. Saying "all leaks are false forever and ever because of that" is just dumb in my view.

You also do understand that just because you "downclock" a chip doesn't mean you get it for a cheaper price, right? Like if the Tegra T239 is a 3 TFLOP chip and Nintendo decides to cripple it "because Nintendo!" to 1 TFLOP, they're still paying for the 3 TFLOP chip, that's not Nvidia's problem. 

I don't doubt the T239 exists.  I'm saying we don't know if Nintendo is going to use it.  Even if they do we don't know the version nor clock speeds.  We don't know, full stop.

People who insisted the pro was real are laughable for claiming the OLED counts as the pro.  Those who insisted the Pro was real were simply wrong, full stop.

One last question on my side.  With the switch did Nintendo reduce the clock speed of their chipset?  I'm looking for a simple yes or no.

The Tegra X1 is downclocked but it's not as massively downclocked as you would make it seem (like some crippled chip). It is downclocked by everyone too, not just Nintendo, because it was manufactured on the 20nm process that didn't work well and resulted in a chip that ran hot. This is part and parcel WHY Nintendo probably got the Tegra X1, they got it for a great price because it was a chip that ran overly hot and didn't gain widespread acceptance as Nvidia was banking on (this chip was supposed to be in tons of tablets and even phones I believe, which never happened). 

The Tegra X1 in Nvidia's Shield console uses the Tegra X1 clocked at around the same as the Nintendo Switch. So it's not like Nintendo went out of their way to downclock the chip massively. The Switch version of the Tegra X1 actually has more RAM too (4GB vs 3GB). That doesn't really fit into the "Nintendo will just arbitrarily cripple a chip because they're Nintendo!" line of logic now does it? 

The OLED leaks were correct, right down to the screen size. Now, unless you are claiming they just randomly guessed that and got lucky that Nintendo happened to be using an OLED panel + the exact size of the panel (that's a whole lot of luck), you can say "well it's not what I would define as a Pro", but those leaks were indeed correct. The other thing that was a pretty good tell tale about a "Pro/OLED" not having a hardware upgrade is none of the "leakers" who were claiming that could point to an actual Nvidia chip that was tied to Nintendo in any way. The Tegra T239 is different, it's leaked by someone who has a proven track record of previous Nvidia chip leaks and actually has a firmware leak from Nvidia (not pulled out of some random's ass) that shows its graphics API is listed as "NVN2", NVN is the graphics API desigination Nvidia uses for the Nintendo Switch only. That's a lot more concrete stuff. 

You're not ever going to win an argument of "well all leaks are wrong" because there will be a Switch successor at some point, lol, so I don't even see the point of choosing that hill to die on. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 31 August 2023