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Question is what costs more lives. If you "rush" the enemy at some points and lose many soldiers by doing that or if you try it more slowly to lose less soldier per day but you need 5x as long to take some positions and give Russia even more time to build even more and better defensive lines in the rest of the occupied areas. I have no idea what's better but almost not progressing at all like Ukraine the last three months doesn't sound perfect to me either (even Robotyne is just a very small village where less than 500 people lived and the other taken villages in the South were even smaller). Maybe something between their tactics of the last months and some aggressive style others want to see would be the best way but who knows.

Those minefields are obviously a huge problem but it's not as if Russia doesn't use every extra week to place even more mines and build even more trenches. Then you overcome Russia's strongest defensive line but in that time Russia build already two new ones...