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I consider it a success that I'm generally buying games I really have an intention of playing at some point or am going to play really soon after buying. I used to buy quite a few games just because they were cheap and I heard were good, but now I'm putting much more emphasis on how much the games actually interest me personally. I probably still buy way too many games, but at least with increased income I can justify that by it being supporting devs/publishers that deserve it. I'm still quite picky about what kind of discounts I consider sufficient though - I rarely buy games at full price or poor discounts, with very few exceptions. Cities: Skylines is almost certainly going to be a notable exception, and Farthest Frontier looks like it's also going to be an exception (helped by its lower normal price). And I'm not actually too sorry about games taking longer to create, since it means there are probably fewer releases that really interest me.