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EpicRandy said:
RolStoppable said:

And you are still wrong. The user in question has had never a good experience when he went on one of his drug-infused posting sprees. It was all just random chance.

On topic: A few days ago I read an interview with a German military expert who said that the USA and Germany's goal in this war is to provide Ukraine with enough equipment to attain a better position for eventual peace talks with Russia, but not enough equipment to beat Russia on the battlefield. That rang true. While it is a naive approach in the given situation, it is what the USA and Germany have been doing. What do they hope to gain by making Russia not lose outright, I wonder.

I think it's more that Biden and Scholz are very similar types of leaders, too afraid of getting something definitive done when it's acting against the current polling data despite it being the right thing. The kind of right thing where the majority will only realize in hindsight that it was the right thing all along.

It's probably the same hold-up as when speaking of providing a long-range weapon. They don't want Ukraine to invade Russia in the end as it may escalate things drastically even though it would be more than justified and actually the sole way for Ukraine to win by the way of war.

Even if Ukraine liberate 100% of its territory, as long as Putin remains in power they'll continue their aggression, shelling and bombing Ukrainian cities with emphasis on civil infrastructure and crippling Ukraine's economy/export. The only way for Ukraine to win a decisive victory that forces Russia to stop its aggression is by having the Ukrainian Army in Moscow. The problem with this is it would force Russian allies to reconsider their position by either abandoning Russia or getting involved themselves. 

The USA certainly wants to avoid a redo of the Korean War situation where all seemingly went well up to the point they crossed over a line and China joined against them.

The only way to prevent a scenario like this unfortunately might be to keep the conflict within Ukraine's border. If this logic is sound, then it makes sense for the USA and Germany to provide equipment the way they do, enough for some gain but not enough to have them clear out the Russians from Ukraine without ending the conflict and have them think the only way to end things is in Russia. I'm not sure though about what USA/Germany wants from possible future peace talks or if they only hope this conflict ends in Ukraine by making it unsustainable for Russia in a similar way WW1 ended.

Well technically, since Russia "annexed" the regions they're occupying, Ukraine is already invading Russia as is. Of course, nobody outside of Russia takes those annexations seriously, but still, depending on who you ask, the Ukrainian offensive would be considered an invasion already.