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coolbeans said:
shikamaru317 said:

Anyway, enough about Mark Kern and Blizzard for the day, time for me to go play some more Texas Chainsaw Massacre on Gamepass xD

It's surprisingly fun!

Yep, it's definitely fun. The biggest issue at this point is the matchmaking, it takes way too long to find a match, then when you do you have that overly long 3 minute pregame lobby unless everyone readies up (which rarely happens), and sometimes it can't find enough people to start the match in that pre-game lobby and boots you back to the main menu. Another big issue is that it often matches you against people that are way higher level, and also, because there is a shared skill point pool between all characters instead of per character skill points, if most of your skill points are tied up in a single character and then someone else picks that character, you're up shit creek without a paddle playing a level 1 character against the other team being mostly level 10 characters with the maximum 50 points allocated in their skill tree. It also feels a bit overly killer sided right now, I have only managed to escape once on victim team out of 12+ victim matches so far.