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shikamaru317 said:

Xbox's new reporting and 8 strikes ban system with penalties that get worse from a 2 day ban all the way to a 1 year ban, is looking like a disaster. Even though Xbox assured people that all reports would be reviewed manually, with nothing automated, we have people reporting that they have received their first of 8 strikes even though they haven't interacted with anybody recently, including Stallion, the man who was the first to 2m gamerscore on Xbox, and later became a streamer after giving up the battle to stay at the top of the Gamerscore leaderboards. It's looking like people may be planning to abuse the system to mass report Xbox celebrities such as streamers.

I take these kinds of statement with a huge grain of salt tbh. Everyone is always out here protesting their innocence when it comes to these matters, and especially when there's a change to the way moderation works, or the way it's enforced, you always get a swell of these types of claims because "Hey! They changed something, so it must be that! I didn't do anything!"