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Jumpin said:

The media, back in the 1990s, accused South Park of being all about bad graphics and fart jokes. I’m response, Matt and Trey created an episode that was actually about that to contrast what South Park is: Terrance and Philip.

Unfortunately, the Terrance and Philip style comedy is kind of what the last South Park game ended up being. It wasn’t just fart jokes, but an excessive volume of them. It was more annoying than a bad meme that got tired months ago, but you’re still somehow seeing it posted like 732 times a day on Social Media: “All your base are belong to us! Isn’t it brilliant?!?” The sort of humour akin to what the media falsely accused South Park of in the 1990s.

I hope they leave the fart jokes out of it this time around. Otherwise, I’m not even considering this game.

Eh, I kinda like the juxtaposition of the dumb, juvenile toilet humor - with the wittier, nuanced sociopolitical/cultural comedy. Same reason I enjoy Rick and Morty (at least the first few seasons). South Park has been better about being consistent about this since I got into the show 20+ years ago. Though they've actually gone so much more in the latter direction lately (and less successfully), I'd actually find a return to more of the silly, goofier fart jokes w/less bombast more refreshing.

Regarding the game - looks pretty sweet to me at least artistically. But I legit couldn't grasp what kind of game it was from the brief amount of actual footage shown.. MOBA? third-person action? Diablo-style isometric ARPG? 


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden