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If our minister of defence Pistorius could decide stuff like that on his own then Ukraine would have them already but Scholz is Scholz...he won't allow anything big (Leopard 2, Taurus, jets (we probably have none for Ukraine but if) without USA doing the same with "similar" weaponry.

I still have to say, many complain about Germany but we still send the second most military equipment to Ukraine (even more than UK who get praised) and many other countries only sent tanks because of our Ringtausch program to replace their tanks they gave to Ukraine. And that's not even taking the EU share into account or that Germany also has millions of refugees which other EU countries don't have. It's just that we do a lot for Ukraine's air defence and other stuff but everything which is about "killing" is something Scholz is scared about even though killing Russian soldiers should be an easier decision as to let Russian soldiers kill.

Last edited by crissindahouse - on 10 August 2023