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I watched A Fox in Space back when the first episode came out and didn't really care for it. Some friends were surprised when they came over to talk to me about it cause I was the Star Fox guy in the group. I didn't much like the style it went for, character designs looked too much like furries, general tone seemed more interested in parodying the series than in respecting it, I don't know something about it just didn't click. I also didn't know it was all done by one guy, just assumed it was a team of people which definitely made it less impressive.

Then a few months ago episode two came out and everyone was hyping it up again, I said okay, let's give it a chance. First I rewatched episode one with an open mind, but I still didn't really care. Then...

This fucking blew my mind.

Don't really know what else to say really, it's just so insanely good. After watching it I looked up Matthew Gaddock to learn more about him, and yeah the guy's a legend. He inspired me to get back to focusing on my creative work, and expanding it beyond just the music I'd been doing. I don't know how that's gonna go, but whatever happens, I have A Fox in Space to thank for. Which sounds silly I guess, but it's true. Can't wait for episode three.

Also a few days ago I was looking for an Okami gif to post on the "Sweetest moment in a game" thread, and stumbled upon this:

I mean, first I stumbled upon a gif without context of course, and it just looked so cool. I didn't know where it was from, assumed it was a Marvel vs. Capcom cutscene or something. Turns out it's fanmade, one person made this. I couldn't believe it, but yeah there it is.

It was done for a larger video compilation of Okami animations, but when you watch the full video you wonder if this guy should've gone less hard because the video is probably made worse by their animation making everyone else's look bad lol

Last edited by mZuzek - on 07 August 2023