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lgs20XP said:
IcaroRibeiro said:
lgs20XP said:

You know, I remember a time when nobody cared about Armored Core and everyone said it sucked. Now all they did was put the Souls-style camera into the game and now everyone is clamoring for it.

The rule is clear: Does it remind you Souls'? Then it's good :P 

lol that is an AWFUL rule.

Sounds like everyone wants the same thing over and over again. Then they'll complain "why isn't gaming evolving?" blah blah blah

I would love if some dev really designed a new engaging and exciting combat mechanic unrelated to Souls but they really aren't. Well, except indies. Indies are cool 

Almost everybody goes to the easy and formulaic battle design mechanics...

I'm not talking about exactly the same combat mechanic as Souls. I'm talking about creating a game that evoke the same sense of danger and thrill native to Souls. Generally devs do that creating artificial difficulty (higher healthy bars for enemies and enemies inflicting more damage in higher difficulty). 

Compared to Souls, there is nothing alike. They simply created a system where you need to be careful with your own abilities because many attack have drawbacks as you can be staggered, critical hitted, your magic have a delay to activate and so on. And of course your enemies are subject to the same limitations meaning that you can explore their weakness if you learn them properly. 

None of those mechanics are incredibly ingenious or history-breaking. They are very simple, most devs just don't create something similar because they want to focus on accessibility. Which is nice, but that's not what a Souls fans like me need. 

TLDR: We just want more Souls-like. There isn't enough Souls-like in the market to us.