jason1637 said:
Wow didnt know the servers were that limited in the first place.
I think Todd probably changed his mind if this rumor pans out to be true. I think a well done Oblivion remake would perform pretty well today. Would easily sell over 10m. |
The server capacity in the UK being just 5k concurrent users is just baffling, as we were theorizing that the reason for the poor Series X stock was that Xbox was diverting hundreds of thousands of Series X chips to upgrading their cloud servers to Series X and future proof their cloud network for future user growth. But, if their max cloud capacity in the UK is just 5k users, and UK has their 2nd biggest cloud server network, that likely means that no more than 50k Series X chips worldwide got put into the cloud servers. That means that Series X stock has just been poor for most of this year with no real reason for the stock levels to be this poor still, considering you can easily find a PS5 now for most of this year.
Yeah, I'm guessing Todd changed his mind about remakes at some point. That interview where he said that he didn't like the idea of remastering or remaking old Bethesda games is now 5 years old, alot can change in 5 years. But even if he personally is still against the idea of remakes, it doesn't mean that the suits at Zenimax and Xbox agree with him. I'm sure the suits see remakes in many other game series selling many millions of copies and want a piece of that pie themselves. There is also the fact that Bethesda game output has slowed considerably in recent years, with a nearly 8 year gap between Fallout 4 and Starfield, and the recent revelation that TES 6 might not release until 2028, 10 years after it's 2018 announcement and 17 years after Skyrim released. The suits, both the Xbox and Zenimax suits, surely know that they are going to need to rely on Elder Scrolls remakes, Fallout remakes, and a possible new Fallout New Vegas like side game from Obsidian or inXile to help fill the massive gaps between new numbered Fallout and Elder Scrolls games from Bethesda. That is unless of course Xbox can talk Todd into reorganizing Bethesda around a separate team for each of their 3 IP's, instead of Todd having to lead development on each game himself; splitting the 3 IP's between 3 teams and 3 directors is the only other way to combat the slow release cycle aside from relying on 3rd party remasters/remakes and side games. Todd should definitely consider a reorganization like that, especially since he is talking about possibly retiring after TES 6, he needs to train up multiple directors to replace him like Shinji Mikami did over at Tango. Now is definitely the time to train up the next generation if he is going to be retiring in just 5 or so years. He could reorganize now and co-direct TES 6 development and Fallout 5 development with his future replacement for each IP over the next 5 or so years before he retires.
Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 31 July 2023