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javi741 said:

So sources are telling VGC that Nintendo's next console is releasing 2024. This is definitely one of the more reliable sources you could trust when it comes to rumors, a reputable website.

I've been thinking Switch 2 would be a 2025 release, but all the rumors and indications seem to be pointing towards a 2024 release. And when a rumor persists, it probably has some truth to it, so I might be leaning more towards a 2024 release forecast now.

However,I'm still skeptical if Nintendo should do a 2024 release, the Switch is still more than profitable and it has the install base to keep making a high amount of software sales on the current switch.

The only problem with waiting for 2025 is that holiday 2024 would probably be fairly weak for the Switch, being its 8th holiday! Probably makes more sense for them to get a new system out for that holiday, either in November next year or maybe even as early as September if they wanna have that launch + holiday double sales bump. I wouldn't mind Switch going until 2025 or even 2026 as long as they have games, but most likely we'll see a successor during Fall 2024. Successor + MK9 + 3D Mario would give Nintendo a huge holiday season and allow them to go into 2025 strong rather than with a fading system.

I doubt we'll see it before Fall 2024 cuz they've already announced a few games for Switch for next year that I think will likely take Switch through the summer, and I bet we will hear about more Switch 2024 games as we get closer to that time. So Fall 2024 seems like the ideal time. Mario Wonder is likely the last HUGE game for Switch and it can coast out on still decent hardware sales and strong software sales for the next roughly 12 months after that.