Hopefully this Oblivion remaster/remake is legit; with it now looking like TES 6 is at least 5 years off from release (2028), possibly longer, we could really use a remaster/remake of either Morrowind or Oblivion to help tide us over on the long wait for TES 6. I hope they do decide to turn it into more of a remake than just a remaster though, if they keep the old gameplay/systems/animations/etc like he seems to suggest is the current plan with it just being a remaster, everything except for the graphics is going to feel super dated.
Hopefully they decide to go the full on remake route with some assistance from Bethesda, improve the graphics via UE5 as planned but use Creation Engine for the gameplay/physics instead of the original Gamebryo Engine, modernize the UI, update some of the gameplay systems, do all new animations to make combat, 3rd person movement, facial animations and more look much better, re-do the voices with a larger voice cast while also getting as many of the original actors back as possible (just have them voice a lower number of characters this time, as some of them voiced quite alot of characters in the original leading to a very noticeable lack of voice variety) and of course fix the doubled up retake lines that shipped in the original game, etc.