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I've been gaming long enough to have seen every main FF launch. And as much a I love the franchise, there were always three things that I wished I didn't have to endure in order the play them: turn-based combat, random battles, and grinding (Lord, do I hate grinding). So you can imagine my delight when they finally released a main FF game without them. Finally, for me, Final Fantasy 16 is the perfect RPG. The music was outstanding, the graphics and cutscenes were at times, jaw droppingly beautiful. The story was as good as it gets, the game was the perfect length, no game-breaking glitches, audio issues or anything like that (it was as solid as a PS2 era game). It truly felt like FF, the former king of RPGS, had returned to its rightful throne... only with a modern combat system and no grinding. 


Last edited by JackHandy - on 29 July 2023