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RolStoppable said:

The big error in Pemalite's opinion is that he doesn't seem to grasp that Nintendo is an integrated hardware/software company, so logically you can't separate the consoles from the games.

Switch not using optical discs is the weirdest argument ever to disqualify it from comparisons to home consoles, especially because optical discs are shit.

There are fundamental reasons why you don't want optical discs in a handheld.

1) Power consumption.
2) Noise.
3) Reliability.
4) Speed.
5) Space.

I am not asserting that the type of media is what constitutes a devices form factor, but certain types of media are better fits for certain form factors.
I.E. Carts in a handheld.

LionBalls said:

the guts and makings of any of these devices dont determine its use... its the form factor and end user engagement that do. nintendo (very wisely - and somewhat inevitably) successfully combined the two use cases on their second attempt... the switch is just the Wii U with more of the smarts shifted into the display component.

The form factor is my argument in a nutshell.

It's a portable device, that has a dock. It's not a hybrid, it's a portable console with an accessory.

LionBalls said:


you must be real fun at parties. 

A:source of authority... YOU do not get to determine what is or is not a mobile or home console, YOU have no qualifying aspects to make such claims. You are of course entitled to your opinions, but stating them as inarguable fact is without any force. Meanwhile nintendo themselves, an actual authority in the subject, and the longest running major producer of same such objects IS an authority. and they have proclaimed the device as being both.

Don't make false assertions. I am not claiming I am an authority. - But I do have a higher level of understanding in regards to hardware than most people, so let's start with that, shall we?

Nintendo is also not an Authority.

Companies make ludicrous and outright false claims all the time, it's called advertising to sell products... We only need to take a look back in time for bullshit like Blast processing, Toy Story 2 graphics on 6th gen, Vita was going to be game changing with cross-platform play, Power of the Cloud, Power of Cell.

If you would rather believe statements from companies which literally have a financial interest to sell you it's products, over an impartial source... Well. That is the issue right there.

Chrkeller said:

This.  I use the switch exclusively as a home console since launch.  Fact, it is a home console for me.  Full stop.

It's a handheld with an accessory to connect it to a display and recharge, just like the other examples I have provided prior.

Shadow1980 said:

Okay. Time to try to get this thread back on topic.

It is on topic, it's discussing about what kind of form-factor the next-console is likely to use. - Many think it's going to be a "Hybrid" when that form factor isn't being used for Nintendo's current device.

A true Hybrid would be more like a 2-in-1 laptop/tablet.

Norion said:

It's only risky if Nintendo does something stupid like they did with the Wii U.

A large issue why the Wii U failed was poor messaging. - Another factor was cost.

Then the games came out in a trickle... Despite being some of the best games of all time. (Mario Kart 8, Smash, Breath of the Wild etc')

If Nintendo can avoid any sillyness with naming or messaging, their next console will do fantastic... It's an issue that Microsoft keeps finding itself in.

Xbox Original > Xbox 360 > Xbox One > One S/X and then Series S/X. Extremely convoluted naming with what should be the Xbox 4 and 4 Pro.

LionBalls said:

I currently still own every single major nintendo console from the NES onwards (sorry VR boy, didnt fall for it). And firstly i can tell you every single console nintendo made was VERY innovative... the only conservative one was the gamecube (which i loved) which was widely derided and a pretty bad flop for them.

Gameboy Pocket/Colour I would argue wasn't innovative, especially when you had full-colour+backlight alternatives on the market.

Gameboy Advance was a natural evolution of the Gameboy colour, but with SNES-levels of graphics, didn't really pioneer a new way to game.

The DS and Wii were massive innovative technology... However the Wii Nunchucks were actually being developed on the Gamecube and the Wii console was leveraging Gamecube hardware, so it's thanks to the Gamecube for the Wii's success as it laid the foundations of what came after.

The Switch 2, Nintendo would be wise to stick with Tegra and use clever abstraction to retain backwards compatibility.

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