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Finally beat the game.

Holy moly what a finale; an amazing ending to an amazing game.

It's really hard to sum up the experience as a whole, as it's such a massive, complex, and multifaceted game. On paper, it should collapse under the weight of its own ambition, yet somehow it comes together into something even more than the sum of its parts. It's not a perfect game, but its so creative, cohesive, organic and elegant that any problems I have with it pale in comparison. 

If BOTW was a game about discovery, then TOTK is a game about togetherness; Hyrule is no longer a wilderness, but a community, and where the last game was a quest to reclaim what was lost, this one is about people pulling together to protect what they've rebuilt.

It's a monumental achievement in game design, and quite possibly the crown jewel of the Switch's library.