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Ryuu96 said:
Angelus said:

Yea I know, it technically nothing changes, but it's shit optics. On paper it may be a simple rebrand, but in effect, you're telling us Gold is gone - which implies less emphasis on the simple NECESSITY of online play (and let's be fucking clear, it is absolute a necessity) - while simultaneously still withholding what gold was all about to any console user who wants more than the bare minimum, but cares fuck all about PC.

Gold the name has gone. Xbox Live still exists. I do concede it might be confusing. But literally nothing is changing from a structural POV, it feels weird to be all of a sudden mad about something which has been the case since Game Pass existed.

Ton of people still on Xbox Live Gold only care for the online play, nothing is changing for them, not even the price, some of them might not even notice a difference xD. Some of them may explore Game Pass more now though.

Only change is GWG is finally getting a bullet, which everyone hated in recent history anyway and Tbh I doubt it was taken advantage of, I'd make a guess that the vast majority of XBLG subscribers don't even touch GWG cause there's so many people who just play the same few titles every year and need Xbox Live for them.

Oh and Game Pass Console still has the advantage of Day One releases over Game Pass Core.

I'm annoyed, cus I WANT a structural change, and I was really hoping the when Gold eventually "went away," we'd get one. I don't wanna be forced into Ultimate just to get GP and online play. I don't need or want GP on PC. CLEARLY MS knows damn well PC users don't need or want console GP, cus they're not making even slightest of efforts to entice them. They have literally all the benefits for one low price. Why do I, as the costumer that actually already gave you more up front money by buying your console, need to have more roadblocks put in my way?

Make the Ultimate package more attractive some other way. Give it the perk of early access to your first party games. We all know that shit does gang busters. Cool. Hell, up the price on it after for all I care. I'll probably go buy it. But for fucks sake, give console players an OPTION of GP and fucking online that doesn't automatically force me into a plan that otherwise involves nothing I care about.