ACuriousHorse said: Hello there, fellow Xbox gamers! Been lurking on this great thread for several months now and decided to consult your expert advice - is it worth me trading in my Series S for a Series X if I don't have 4k TV? I got my S for very cheap and it does a great job but I kind of want the most 'premium' experience, just not sure if it's worth it when I'm playing on an older telly. Thanks! |
There are definitely benefits to owning a Series X even if you don't have a 4K screen. For starters, games still run at the higher resolution on Series X, they are just sampled down to 1080p when you connect it to a 1080p screen, this sampling down process reduces aliasing artifacts (aka stairstepping artifacts on the edges of in-game assets). Secondly, Series S will be increasingly dropping below native 1080p as we move further into the generation and games become more and more demanding of hardware, which means you will be seeing more and more games that run below the resolution of your screen, just like OG Xbox One often ran below 1080p, some quite visibly below. Thirdly, quite a few games so far this generation are lacking a choice between multiple game modes on Series S, whereas many games on Series X have Quality, Performance, and Balanced modes, alot of those same games have just one mode on Series S, often just quality mode, meaning you are stuck at 30 fps with no choice for a higher framerate on Series S. Lastly, some games have lower graphics settings beyond lower resolution on Series S, meaning that Series X often has things like higher quality textures, shadows, lighting, level of detail distances, etc, on those games, when compared to Series S. And of course, if you decide to get a 4K tv screen before the end of the generation, having a Series X already means that you will be able to make proper use of it.
Last edited by shikamaru317 - on 16 July 2023