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Runa216 said:

You know what's sad? That it legitimately takes a damn near 30 minute video to explain why 'What is a woman' is such a nonsensical, rage-baiting question.

In general, arguing politics of any sort nowadays boils down to the right demanding a simple, straightforward answer, not getting one, and claiming victory over the confused leftists rather than accepting the reality that their understanding of the issues are oversimplified and devoid of logic.

"What is a Woman" isn't as simple as 'someone with X chromosomes', because 'woman' could refer to cultural identity or biological factors. What determines this can change depending on where you're asking it, or what you are trying to find out. and much like most language (As well as science), our understanding of these factors grows with time and our definitions can be fluid. So a 'woman' could be anything across a spectrum of viable answers.

But that's hard to share with your buddies on tiktok or in meme form so the more complicated, right answer is far harder to share and convey than the simple, potentially wrong answer.

and the fact that we live in a world where right wing reactonaries like Ben Shapiro or Matt Walsh can make documentaries 'owning the libs' by making them look like fools to their base, because progressive types understand that it's not as simple as a 6-word definition, upsets me. It bothers me that half our world genuinely believes oversimplifying issues and actively laughing at anyone who tries to explain reality in more detail is a good thing. And it bothers me more that people can't see this for the ignorance it is.

And that's why the right are making so much ground and gaining so much traction with their anti-trans rhetoric. IT's not that it's right - be it morally or factually - it's that it's simple and simple rage is easier to share and perpetuate than correct nuance, understanding, and empathy. 

I don't know that you need a 30 minute video.

But yeah, this is an issue that I've thought a lot about. 

For a lot of issues, the right wing position tends to be simpler. But often even when they're not simpler, they're still easier to explain, because they're the default. 

Like for health care, even though the left wing position simplifies the healthcare system, you're cutting down a lot of the complexity, it takes a lot more effort to explain why it should be changed. You have to put in a lot of effort to explain why it's beneficial. The 10's of thousands of dollars they are currently paying for healthcare is much easier for them to understand than paying less than that to the government. 

And when things aren't as simple, there's obviously complications. 

On Gender/Sex, right wingers are using the basic definitions you learned in 8th grade biology class. XY=Male, XX=Female.

And the full science picture is pretty much this:

It's why walls and guns are easy policy for people. Walls can be understood. Trying to tackle these issues from an economic perspective? How does that make any sense?

Last edited by the-pi-guy - on 14 July 2023