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If Chinese gamers are the ones responsible for the surge in sales between Switch, PS5, and PS4, then that raises another question.
How long before the Chinese government cracks down on those imports as well?
If they're truly THAT concerned about gaming addiction and control how much comes in and out of their country, of course they're gonna notice this sudden surge of importing Japanese consoles and games. And they're not just gonna sit back and do nothing. I'd expect them to respond at some point. Like raising the tariffs they charge on Nintendo, Sony, and the Japanese government to ship their products over there to the point where they just don't find it worth the price. (I'm not entirely sure if that's how tariffs work, perhaps it's the other way around.) If not outright ban them entirely and enforce strict rules and punishments on their own citizens if they're caught trying to smuggle them (Christ on a Stick, maybe video games really ARE drugs. I'm sure talking like they are...)