haxxiy said:
^ ^ Eh, I doubt that is too much of a concern to MS if they really wish to take on the EC.
Remember, the legalized private lobbies the EC calls the "committee procedure" can effectively block the implementation of any EC measure and refer it to the Parliament. If there's enough money being made among the interests said committees represent (or the Parliament is headed by shady right-wing figures, which it usually is) the EC would probably do nothing to sanction them.
Google did worse in a larger market and was slapped with a fine equivalent to less than 1% of its yearly revenue, so that's probably the worst-case scenario for them.
Interesting years ahead. I think on balance, the merger will be a net negative for the industry. I'll be happy to be proven wrong if I am around in 10 years, maybe a prediction to revisit
Also, the thing I am most curious about right now is the CMA, what exactly happened? Was it the government pressure that made them fold in the end? or did MS really make them an offer they can't refuse? I hope we find out soon.