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I'm really torn on this. On one hand, the videogame market is in a dangerous race to swallow up as many companies and studios as possible, which is going to hurt actual development a lot (just imagine how many small/medium series are not going to see new games because their mother companies are focused on the big hitters). Plus, if there's a crash, the inevitable reestructuring will see many studios closed. Not to mention the absolute loss for gamers that the loss of old 3rd parties in favor of exclusives.

On the other hand, we're talking about Acti-Blizzard, a company that was sinking under its own anti-consumer practices for more than a decade, so any shakeup is welcome. Plus, it's difficult to justify stopping the purchase for anything beyond the sheer size of it, since so many purchases have been done as of late. Hell, if Sony felt like they needed games like Acti-Blizz to stay in business, they could create their own IPs to actually compete with. Nintendo didn't have access to CoD since the WiiU, and yet they now have Splatoon to compete with other shooters. PS is definitively in better shape than XBox, so it's not like they'd be unable to do it.

I would honestly prefer if these massive companies actually competed for their audience instead of trapping them into closed ecosystems. Then again, I've lost faith in people actually making a customer revolt work. They could have stopped paid online, MTX, DRM, the degratation of many series and many other stuff if they just had stopped purchasing games. And yet, here we are...

You know it deserves the GOTY.

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