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Wyrdness said:
Soundwave said:

I don't think Nintendo gives a shit about the final LTD of the Switch nearly as much as people here do. 

It's a nice to have, it's not a must have thing for them, the most important thing for the company today I gauruntee you if you were inside the company is the Switch successor. 

That matters more to Nintendo today than anything else and I would venture to say probably has the majority of the development resources for it. It's not a coincidence that the 3D Mario team, the Mario Kart team, all these major teams at Nintendo have been deathly quiet the last 3 years or doing small scale tasks, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what they are working on. 

They don't care about LTD but they care about the long run which is the point being made here LTD sales is not even mentioned here notice how instead it's more about taking advantage of the safety net they have to have a smoother less pressured transition into the next platform, LTD don't matter at this point because it will get to its milestone mark regardless what does matter is the fact that the momentum from these sales is an indicator of the market towards the product which is still going blow for blow each week with two newer platforms this gives a clearer picture in how realistic the need to replace it quickly really is.

Being quiet for 3 years doesn't debunk what is being put forward because it just means they'll be quiet for an extra year and in the mean time we have some releases to tie us over not to mention some of the major teams have recently released software such as TOTK, XBC3, Pikmin (upcoming) etc... it's not like it's a drought and the is complete silence.

Or you know like they are prepared and ready for Switch 2 in 2024. That could also very easily be the case. 

I think you are operating from the POV that Nintendo is inherintely unprepared and thus just needs more time because well they need more time. 

But I suspect they have been planning this and laser focused on Switch 2 for many years now frankly. A lot of their bigger teams have been quiet, way too quiet for a long time now. It's by design IMO. They made the call for example I think to not give the Switch its own Mario Kart game years ago and instead "save" that for Switch 2 and just let the Switch have lower budget DLC content of old tracks that a junior team could remaster. That's by design, that's not random happenstance. 

Now they can launch Switch 2 and feel confident that they'll have the biggest IP in their IP drawer (Mario Kart) ready to go for that system early on, possibly even day 1. 

Same with Odyssey 2 ... I think they made a call probably even years ago now at this point that Odyssey 2 (or whatever the next 3D Mario is called) was going to skip the current Switch and go straight to the next system. 

They likely know with a new Mario Kart and new 3D Mario ... they have a pretty rock solid 1-2 foundation to base a launch off of. I don't think this is a case of the calendar turning to 2022 or 2023 and them waking up and saying "ok, what are we gonna do with the next system". They've had Mario Kart Next and 3D Mario Next at minimum in their back pocket for the next system's launch year I think for a long, long time now. 

Last edited by Soundwave - on 11 July 2023