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Dunno if this is a serious topic, but honestly, don't think there is a solution.

The internet is a very different place than what it was a decade ago. There are so many many opportunities for people to express their opinions on games. A forum is going to appeal to a certain niche, but others are going to prefer to do reddit, comment on youtube, their personal social media, etc.

So, the audience is going to go down. Beyond that, weekly game sales are no longer a thing aside from Japan, which is not necessarily within anyone's control. There is going to be natural attrition as with anything else, so what is going to be bringing in new eyeballs to the site? What is here that will encourage new people to visit regularly? The news is available anywhere, the articles are not anything special. So, it's just kind of the odd hardware charts and comparisons, and I don't think that's enough.

In my opinion, I just don't really see things growing beyond what they are now. Just enjoy it while it lasts I guess.